Heimdalls Wacht - Ekte Westfäölske Svatte Metal CD

From the very heart of old Westphalen - from the darkests forests, the most desolate tunnels and buried pits, the most remote holes and ruins arose a black manifest against the Zeitgeist... Hymns and sounds, that reveal what lurks beneath the seemingly orderly surface - harmonies of oblivion - voices of unreason - memories of long supressed feelings... A cry against the mechanisms of modernity!

Diverse, pagan black metal with varied influences as an emotional farewell for that which once was - and never will be again...

1. Seelenkrieg
2. Ekte Westfäölske Svatte Metal
3. Unsiälige Kiär
4. Ich bin der Widersacher
5. Geheimbund
6. Der verschüttete Grubenmann
7. Tiwaz - entflammt
8. Die Formulierung des Unformulierten
9. Das Martyrium
10. Ein Ächzen im verlassenen Stollen
11. Exil
12. Alles ist grau


12,99 EUR

inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Heimdalls Wacht - Ekte Westfäölske Svatte Metal CD