Oath - Saatanan Myrsky Yllä Pyhän Maan CD

Oath - Saatanan Myrsky Yllä Pyhän Maan CD
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Manufacturer: Immortal Frost Productions
More products of: Immortal Frost Productions

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Finnish Black Metal
The album comes with a 12 page booklet and full artwork design. Limited to 500 copies on CD.

1. The Beast of Revelation 04:53
2. Lucifer Rising II 05:52
3. Herrani liekki 05:46
4. Antichrist Reign 07:49
5. A Monument of God Ablaze Before Me 05:06
6. Ei Jumalaa, ei pelastusta 05:53
7. Saatanan myrsky yllä pyhän maan 06:37 
Total playing time:  41:56 minutes

This Product was added to our catalogue on 22/09/2020.

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Immortal Frost Productions